1 Introduction
Vehicle software components are most likely to be optimized since changing them is cheap. Therefore the most often component optimized in case of hybrid electric vehicles is the control strategy [1]–[3]. But also the size of the drive train's components and the topology strongly influence the energy consumption of the vehicle [4]. Due to the reduced space requirement of electrical machines compared to internal combustion engines further degrees of freedom exist while designing electric vehicles, since new drive train topologies are possible. The possibility of hybrid energy storage systems meaning, e.g. the usage of a Lithium battery and a double layer capacitor in one car, leads to additional degrees of freedom. Therefore a method of defining all, under the given demands possible, drive train configurations and selecting only the reasonable ones is presented. Afterwards these chosen topologies are optimized with respect to energy consumption, additional needed copper for the electrical machine and lithium for the energy storage taking into account the components' size and, if necessary, the parameters of the control strategies in case of hybrid energy storages or multiple electrical machines. In the present paper the method of defining and selecting the drive train topologies is presented and discussed. Furthermore the algorithm used for the optimization of the drive train's dependent components will be explained and the different results of the optimized topologies will be scrutinized.