I. Introduction
With the trend of integrating complex systems on a single chip (SoC) for battery-powered remote computing and communication, low power circuit design is essential for the success of scientific exploration under extreme environments. Comparing with its synchronous counterpart, asynchronous circuit design exhibits interesting properties besides energy efficiency, such as electromagnetic interference reduction [1], immunity to metastable behavior [2] and ultra-wide temperature operations [3]. One promising application of the asynchronous paradigm is Digital Signal Processing (DSP) system, which contains three parts in a classical structure: A/D converters (ADC), digital processing circuits and D/A converters. Previous research [4], [5] indicates asynchronous ADC with irregular “level-crossing” sampling scheme is energy efficient to take advantage of signals with statistical properties. Although the irregular front-end stream can be converted into a clock sampled stream for standard signal processing, the natural way of using asynchronous ADC is combining irregular sampling and asynchronous digital processors in a fully asynchronous system.