I. Introduction
Centralized monitoring of oil and gas installations in general and pipelines in particular lack in the aspect of intelligent sustainable monitoring since long. This difficulty not only comes from the length of the pipeline infrastructure but also from the tough terrain and intense environment characteristics. Though, various techniques have been proposed for pipeline monitoring, mostly based around wireless solutions; an integrated solution for optimized reliable sensing to secure and timely data transfer over a remote control room is still lacking. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has gained much importance for structural health monitoring applications over the years due to rapid advancements in underlying technologies like sensing capability and resolution, communication protocols, processor speed, energy harvesting and embedded systems. These developments are gradually being adopted in oil and gas industry to automate processes and to empower the system with more control. The use of sensors and actuation methods have also gained strategic importance due to factors like business intelligence, competitive edge, time to market, quality and reliability standardization for industry related fluid and commodity movement, particularly the transfer of energy related products like oil and gas.