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Model-based coupling approach for non-iterative real-time co-simulation | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore

Model-based coupling approach for non-iterative real-time co-simulation

Publisher: IEEE


Non-iterative co-simulation is a prerequisite for the time correct coupling of distributed solved numerical problems. For this coupling approach typically signal-based ex...View more


Non-iterative co-simulation is a prerequisite for the time correct coupling of distributed solved numerical problems. For this coupling approach typically signal-based extrapolation schemes are used to resolve existing bidirectional dependencies between the interacting subsystems. Nevertheless, the introduced coupling errors influence the entire system behavior. In the case of coupled real-time systems inherent time-delays and noisy measurements lead to significant additional distortions. Thus, to avoid a deteriorating dynamic behavior of coupled systems - which can even lead to instability - new coupling approaches are mandatory. A model-based extrapolation scheme is motivated to realize a compensation of the occurring round-trip-times and noise-handling. Besides the description of the fundamentals a representative example demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed coupling approach.
Date of Conference: 24-27 June 2014
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 24 July 2014
Print ISBN:978-3-9524269-1-3
Publisher: IEEE
Conference Location: Strasbourg, France

I. Introduction

The modular simulation of complex systems is recognizable since about four decades. The first approaches dealt with the reduction of simulation time in circuit design [3]. Nowadays, a decomposition of complex systems into manageable smaller subsystems is the classical approach to handle complex cyber-physical systems. Subsystems are developed/designed by teams of engineers in domain-specific (simulation) tools [3], [4]. During later development stages more and more practical realization aspects have to be obeyed and real hardware components may enter the design process. A holistic analysis of the whole system is still required to meet overall system design goals. Therefore, hardware components are often involved in form of real-time systems by the well-established hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) concept. The integration of the sub-models is typically performed by the use of existing model-export and -import functionality. To the end, a single system is simulated or compiled for the use on a HIL test system for analysis purposes. But depending on the used simulation tools and application (HIL) a holistic analysis approach may not be applicable in general [2]. Simulation tools and HIL systems are not equipped with the required features. As a consequence, a coupling of the distributed subsystems is necessary to analyze the system under consideration. This methodology is very similar to the classical co-simulation approach. Different subsystems are solved/evaluated for specific time instants and then synchronized.


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