I. Introduction
Let be a nonempty finite set, and let be a class of finitary operations on . If is closed under composition of operations and contains the projections, then is called a clone on . There are countably infinitely many clones on a two-element base set, and all such clones were determined by Post [1]. For there exists a continuum of clones on (see [2]), and it is widely accepted that an explicit description of clones is an extremely difficult task even for . The set of all clones on is a complete lattice, and many authors have investigated different parts of these lattices of clones. Here we focus on two special classes of clones: maximal and minimal clones. Maximal clones (i.e., coatoms in the lattice of clones) have been determined by Rosenberg [3] on arbitrary finite sets. The description of minimal clones (i.e., atoms in the lattice of clones) seems to be a considerably harder problem; a full description is available only for (see [4]–[7]). However, Rosenberg classified minimal clones into five types, and for two of the types he found necessary and sufficient conditions for minimality over arbitrary finite sets [8].