I. Introduction
Recently, multilevel converters have attracted growing attentions and found themselves in increasing market of high power and high/medium voltage applications [1] [2], such as high-voltage dc transmission (HVDC), flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS), industrial motor drives, utility-scale renewable energy systems, and so on. Among various multilevel converters, the diode-clamped or neutral-point clamped (NPC), flying capacitor (FC), and cascaded H-bridge (CHB) are the most studied topologies [3]–[7]. However, for the applications requiring more than four or five levels, the NPC and FC topologies become less attractive due to significantly increased number of clamping diodes or FCs, higher power losses, and difficulty to balance the capacitor voltages [3]–[6]. The CHB topology then seems more suitable due to its modular structure. However, it requires a large number of isolated dc sources, which are often provided by a bulky, multiwinding transformer together with a series of rectifiers [7].