I. Introduction
In today's operator networks the deployment of new network services comes at a high cost for integration and operation as network functions typically come with separate hardware entities. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) [1] is a recent operator's initiative aiming at addressing this problem. NFV is transforming the way how operators architect their networks towards deploying network services onto virtualized industry standard servers, which can be located for example in data centers. In this way, NFV involves delivering network functions as software that can run as virtualized instances and that can be deployed at locations in the network as required, without the need to install hardware equipment for each new service. With this migration from hardware to software running in a cloud environment, NFV is expected to lower not only equipment cost (capex) but also operational cost (opex). Services are expected to be deployed more flexibly and can be scaled up and down quickly. From an architecture perspective, NFV can be seen as complementary to technologies such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and cloud computing. Virtualized network functions might run in an operator's cloud environment and might be configured via OpenFlow. Whereas, these technology aspects are out of scope of the current NFV white paper [1], we address them by a thorough analysis of alternative architectures for functions deployment of an LTE EPC system in an operator cloud environment with SDN as a network enabler. LTE EPC functional architecture