1. Introduction
Data transmission rate increase, subscribers amount increase and the increasing of the radiocommunication services quality can be referred to the main trends of the mobile communications modernization. Increasing of the subscriber base with the saving of the main operative quality factors of the mobile telecommunication is possible only because of the radiochannels throughput increasing. Extensive build-up of the throughput by bringing in the additional frequency resources is ineffective, therefore intensive and multiple usage of the frequency spectrum is an alternative method of the throughput increasing. The implementation of the given task is possible through the use of the new antenna systems, that perform vector space-time radiosignals selection. Particulary, in the second generation mobile telecommunication systems, a significant efficiency of the spectrum usage is achieved because of the antennas with the sector radiation patterns applying [1]. During the transition to the next generations mobile telecommunication systems further increase of the throughput can be performed because of space channel division, that is proposed to realize with help of the optimal base stations antenna systems.