Maximum entropy (Maxent) is an optimization technique that is used to produce analytical functions that have maximum uncertainty while simultaneously satisfying apriori knowledge. If the unknown density (pdf) is and its distribution function (cdf) is , the density of the -th ordered sample [1] from is , where, if is the sample size,f_{(r)}(x)={R!\over (r-1)!(R-r)!}F^{r-1}(x)[1-F(x)]^{R-r}f(x) \eqno{\hbox{(1)}}
In the following we maximize the pdf entropy,H=-\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(x)\log f(x)dx
by assuming that the samples are the means of the respective order statistics of the parent pdf. The result is a nonlinear differential equation, which, when , is linear and an exponential pdf is the solution. Further, by utilizing the density-partitioning property of means of order statistics and simply constraining the cdf at the sample points we produce a piecewise contiguous Maxent solution and an example when the parent distribution is Rayleigh.