I. Introduction
Classification where the main task is to subsume data to particular groups/classes is a basic foundation in many data-mining applications for instance: fault diagnosis [1], pattern recognition [2], image processing [3]. The data grouped in the same class usually share the typical characteristics whereas the inter-class data are usually distinct. The development of classification field has undergone a rapid progress signified by many variants of classifiers involving neural network (NN) [4] and later on support vector machine (SVM) [5]. All of them adopt a black-box approach which isn't interpretable to nonexpert users. One may comprehend that, in most industrial applications, behind-the scene process plays a precarious role to allow the user to grasp the rationale of decision being made. Fuzzy rule-based (FRB) system [6] is a powerful impetus to the progress of computational intelligence research as it is capable of realizing approximate reasoning trait to cope with imprecision and uncertainty in decision making process [7]. Furthermore, its working principle is described as a set of human-like linguistic rules which is tractable to the users.