1 Introduction
FBSDEs can be encountered in stochastic optimization problem, especially when one studies the stochastic maximum principle. It also has useful applications in mathematical finance, especially in derivative security pricing models that involve large investors. The FBSDE with terminal coupled can be encountered in the classical optimal control problems and game problems of SDEs. Using probability method, Hu and Peng [15], Peng and Wu [11] obtained the existence and uniqueness result under some monotone assumptions. Nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) in the framework of Brownian motion were originally introduced by Pardoux and Peng [10]. They proved the existence and the uniqueness of the solution when the coefficient is Lipschitz in and the terminal condition is square integrable. The backward linear quadratic stochastic control problems which have important applications in mathematical finance have been studied by Lim and Zhou [14] using square complete technique with deterministic coefficients. This paper is concerned with the game problem of a MF-FBSDE.