I. Introduction
The evolution of cities has been taking a toll on the environment as the human population and its needs have been increasing and so the pressure on nature has been ever escalating. In today's world, sustainability is a major issue because if we continue to exploit resources and services without any thought about the generations that will follow us, the future of the human race may no longer have enough resources to live by. Today, industrial development is as important as environmental issues; safety is as important as saving time; continuous availability of resources is as important as not exploiting them and so on. To match both sides of the scale, the citizens of principal cities across the world have to become more informed and responsible as the world moves from being a world of industrial cities towards one that comprises smarter cities that are more environmentally stable, resourceful, interconnected, intelligent and instrumental [1] towards building a world that is as industrially powerful as sustainable. That is, we have to meet alter our present ways of life to satisfy the needs for securing the future. With the cities progressing towards smarter societies, the world's information and communications technology (ICT) is also advancing and in turn, a class of software is ushering itself into the IT sector today called ‘green software’ or ‘smart software’. The primary role of smart software is to enable the functioning of the devices running them in such a way that the device is eco-friendly and aids to the smart behavior of a city. For smart software to increase the functioning and sustainability of a smart city as a whole, the devices with smart software must contribute to the entire system. As software systems are vulnerable to threats, the smart city should be prepared for such attacks and breach of security. The current paper investigates these issues of security and integrity related to the smart software and gives a conclusion as to whether smart software create more problems than they solve.