Inductive power transfer (IPT) was first suggested soon after Ampere and Faraday proposed their laws that became the underpinning of electrical engineering. Following this, the most significant advances were made by Tesla who demonstrated significant power transfers at ac frequencies using highly resonant tuned coils [1], [2]. The means by which such power, however, could be transferred at low cost, and regulated, remained a challenge which was difficult to overcome with the technology of the day. Therefore, IPT was considered to be not viable for some time and against a background of disbelief it was not until the end of the twentieth century that real commercial IPT systems appeared [3]. IPT involves the coupling of two or more coils: when coupled a current in one coil causes an induced voltage in the other hence under the correct conditions that voltage can be used to power some application and in these circumstances power is transferred by induction from one coil to another without physical contact. Such power transfer is clean, unaffected by chemicals or dirt, and has the capacity to revolutionize many manufacturing processes.
Early commercial IPT systems found applications in car assembly plants where tolerance to paint and welding fumes was highly prized [4]–[8] and also in transcutaneous medical devices [3]. In manufacturing applications, one primary circuit was able to drive a multitude of secondary circuits using new decoupling controllers that could switch a secondary pickup circuit on and off without placing a VAR load on the primary circuit [7]. IPT systems, however, really found their application with clean factory automation (CFA) manufacturing flat panel displays and computer chips under stringently clean conditions and achieving higher yields than any competing technology [3]. The technology has continued to evolve to include larger more powerful systems, operating under difficult conditions in worldwide applications.
Perhaps the biggest challenge for IPT systems today is transportation for both public and private vehicles on networks of railways and roadways in every country in the world. IPT offers the possibility of being able to power these vehicles electrically using electric wires under the ground to provide power, charge, and alignment means [9]–[45] for cars, buses, and trains by magnetically coupling power directly into a pad placed underneath a vehicle. If power transfer is accomplished with a stationary vehicle and a battery, it is called wireless charging of a battery electric vehicle (BEV), and developments here have accelerated over the past decade [9]–[34]; if it is accomplished while moving it is called dynamic powering, and while concepts were developed in the early 70s [35], [56], [79], only recently has this begun to receive renewed attention due in part to stationary charging developments and a willingness of car manufacturers to support this technology [36]–[45]. BEVs are now challenging internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles in all applications of vehicles in our society except range; dynamically charged electric vehicle (EV) will compete with ICE vehicles in all aspects of performance except original purchase cost: they are cleaner, quieter, and more efficient and with the appropriate roadway structure they could have unlimited range [40]. BEVs can operate with a plug in battery charger or with inductive charging: dynamically powered vehicles can only operate with an IPT link and it is the development of that link that holds the promise for EVs in the future.
IPT is a technology of the time, totally dependent on recent developments in magnetic materials: litz wire, embedded controllers, and particularly power electronics. Over the past 30 years the operating frequency for power transfers
This paper reviews the essential elements required to develop high-power IPT systems and comments on the key metrics which must be considered, including safety, field leakage, and heating. It also describes its latest challenge—as a key enabler for EVs to increase the range and eliminate the need to plug in.
Power in IPT Systems
In its simplest form an IPT system comprises two coils P_{\rm out}=P_{\rm su}\times Q_{2}=\omega{{M^{2}}\over{L_{2}}}I_{1}^{2}Q_{2}\eqno{\hbox{(1)}}
Following (1), the power transferred by an IPT system can be improved by increasing any of
A. Power From the Viewpoint of Electrical and Magnetic Quality Factors
For systems where there is normally one primary and one secondary as in charging applications, (1) may be rewritten as follows:P_{\rm out}=\omega L_{1}I_{1}\times I_{1}\times{{M^{2}}\over{{L_{1}L}_{2}}}\times Q_{2}=V_{1}I_{1}\times k^{2}\times Q_{2}.\eqno{\hbox{(2)}}
In this form, the power transfer can be seen as the input VA, multiplied by the magnetic coupling factor
The size of the magnetics in a charging application using pads is largely determined by their expected tolerance to misalignment. For a misalignment of 200 mm, at least one of the pads has to be circa 400 mm across hence under misaligned conditions an overlap exists whereby energy can be transferred. A given pad needs essentially the same input VA for a given power regardless of the frequency. For a given power and VA rating, increasing the frequency requires a reduction in pad inductance by partitioning the wire into segments and adding series compensation to manage the voltage. Simply reducing
The loss in any tuned coil is the VA in the coil divided by its native
Thus, the magnetic loss in either the primary or secondary at a given power transfer rate can each be defined as follows:P_{\rm loss}={{VA}\over{Q_{L}}}.\eqno{\hbox{(3)}}
The VA of the secondary is [46], P_{\rm loss}={{{VA}_{1}}\over{Q_{L_{1}}}}+{{{VA}_{2}}\over{Q_{L_{2}}}}\approx P_{\rm out}Q_{2}\left({{1/\left(kQ_{2}\right)^{2}}\over{Q_{L_{1}}}}+{{1}\over{Q_{L_{2}}}}\right).\eqno{\hbox{(4)}}
IPT systems are normally designed to operate such that the effective VA in the primary is usually greater than the VA of the secondary (or combined secondaries) [7], [47], but care must be taken when these VAs are closely matched if the system operates under variable frequency conditions—given this is nominally the point at which bifurcation can occur and power drops. In fixed frequency systems operation close to this point is essentially the best operating condition and usually guarantees good efficiency. In a charging system, similar sized couplers (which usually have similar VA limits) are normally designed to operate with maximum VA while delivering rated power at the largest lateral displacement and clearance. Therefore, at this point
If the ideal magnetic losses are desired to be 2%, then in a matched coil system operating at the point where both are close to rated VA, each system should operate with
Thus, high-
This nomenclature in [53]
is generalized for any type of resonator, whereas the electrical one only applies to electrical resonances—which in practice comprise the overwhelming majority of all resonators. Expressing the figure of merit in two forms
B. Power From the Viewpoint of Energy Storage
The power equation may also be written as follows:P_{\rm out}=\omega\times L_{1}I_{1}^{2}\times{{M^{2}}\over{L_{1}L_{2}}}\times Q_{2}\eqno{\hbox{(5)}}
Further, as the energy in the inductor is essentially stored in the air-gap of a practical IPT system, the peak energy stored may be written as:
For charging systems there is always a desire to reduce the size of the secondary system (e.g., in cell phones, robots, and EVs), and thus at any given frequency and power transfer, this necessarily increases the
Elements of an IPT System
A simple IPT system is shown in Fig. 1. It comprises of the following:
a power supply that takes electric power from a utility or a battery;
an elongate track that is driven by the power supply whereby current in the track causes a magnetic field that follows the track;
pickups on or along the track that intercept some of the magnetic field and convert that intercepted field to controlled electricity;
electrical loads that may be driven by that electricity.
All of these aspects are important but some are essentially self-evident. There are a very large number of power supply circuits that may be used in an IPT system but all of them achieve the same outputs with different output frequency, efficiency, and reliability, however, modern IPT supplies generally favor current controlled supplies with unity power factor and with a controlled frequency [3]. The frequency must be system wide but other attributes will vary with cost and availability. The track usually uses high-frequency litz wire to support the magnetic field. The wire, current, frequency, and wire to wire spacing are all gradually becoming subject to international standards—in FA 80/125-A wires spaced 100-mm apart operating at a frequency of
In other aspects, there may be considerable freedom in the design of IPT systems especially in the pickup circuitry, its protection, the controllers, and the electrical circuitry and
Magnetic Components in IPT Systems
IPT systems use two or more magnetic couplers to transfer power from one frame of reference to another. As noted above, in the discussion on the power equation, arguably the most important factor in an IPT system is the magnetic coupling coefficient
From the earliest systems there is always a balance, such as this, to meet some figure of performance. Otto [56] in 1973, for example proposed a system for powering an EV with an air-cored pickup coil
A modification to this used the same controller but the two wires are horizontally displaced in air with currents of 80 A each, at a frequency of 10 kHz and pickups made of ferrite in a horizontal H shape picked up power using a litz wire coil on the cross bar of the H. This system allowed one of the power wires to be switched hence a carrier could go from one track to another at half rated but continuous power and it soon became an essential element of IPT conveyor systems in CFA systems. In FA, IPT systems are chosen for their tolerance of dirt in welding bays and paint shops; in CFA situations IPT systems are chosen for their cleanliness and residue-free applications.
Pickups in these and other factory applications were widely named according to the letter of the Latin alphabet that they most closely resembled—for example I, E, and H—but other shapes were also suggested—for example an asymmetrical S pickup is difficult to mount but gives almost twice the available power as a symmetrical E pickup for the same material cost [57]. A feature of all of these pickups was that they operated with relatively small air-gaps, and good coupling factors at high efficiency. As the technology and its applications developed these ideal operating conditions, however, became more stressed. Floor-mounted systems used two wires 100-mm apart buried under 10 mm of concrete, each with a current of 125 A at 20 kHz. In their primitive form they used a flat E pickup to achieve coupling factors within 50% of those attainable with a monorail. In monorail applications, the tines on the E and H pickups could encircle the track to
The floor-mounted pickups do, however, have the whole track energized all the time and as this may be as long as 300 m it does create a large area in the factory closed to personnel. Overhead monorails have a track 3.4-m high and this makes them inherently safe—but not usable for EVs.
In construction, couplers are fragile and means must be found to protect the coils from damage. The protection usually entails packaging the coils in soft plastics or rubber materials that add significantly to the bulk of the pickup without adding to its function. The situation is particularly critical as with the high relative permeability of the ferrite in the order of 2000, a crack 10 microns wide is equivalent to 20 mm of ferrite.
Charging EVs Wirelessly
In the push to obtain EVs powered by IPT this background in FA technology is useful but inadequate. With FA, the misalignments and the air-gaps are small but in the EV application they can be large. Present systems would run happily at 2–3 kW/carrier, and occasionally higher, but with the EV much higher powers are needed. For stationary charging, a power level of at least 7 kW is needed while in dynamic applications 20 kW is fast becoming the design specification. The biggest difficulty of all is that unlike FA, people are, however, commonly near to EV charging equipment and the emissions from the vehicle must be contained below international standards. On the roadway with a moving vehicle, this may not be a problem but in a garage situation it is important that the magnetic field outside the footprint of the car does not exceed field leakage limits [54], [55].
Traditionally, practical couplers for EV systems are either circular in shape with a coil in the form of a flat Archimedean spiral placed on magnetic material or shaped like a solenoid using a cylindrical spiral with a magnetic material through the middle of the coil. Such systems have evolved from essentially track-based designs to concentrated couplers. One of the earliest systems was the Santa Barbara project [60]. Here, the proposal focused on designs that used a track system as is commonly used in materials handling even today. An extended loop is built and a large flat E-core pickup designed and fitted under buses and also under cars (in the playa vista project work). The essential problem that limited this application was the unavailability of modern materials. Without ferrite and litz wire, the pickups are too heavy and without modern power electronics the frequencies are too low (in the early work
In the early mid-90s, plug-in inductive couplers were proposed [61]–[66], but while adding a level of safety they did not solve the fundamental issue of having to remember to plug in. In the late 90s and early 2000s there was significant redevelopment and limited deployment of plug-less charging systems. Both solenoidal and circular or oval-shaped systems were reinvestigated and deployed successfully with high-efficiency and high-power transfers of between 20 and 60 kW, but tolerance to movement was constrained to gaps of between 2 and 4 in [14], [67], and [68]. The focus then shifted to improving the distances over which power could be coupled efficiently without oversizing the magnetics.
A. Large Air-Gap Circular Magnetic Systems
Mecke et al.
showed, based on research undertaken and published over the preceding 4 years, that suitable power transfers for charging EVs could be achieved at high-efficiency over large air-gaps [13]. In this paper, they recognized that very large air-gaps of several hundred millimeters were going to be essential at high efficiency, and therefore investigated the use of highly resonant coils constructed using litz wire on top of a ferrite plate, carefully tuned to operate at different transmission frequencies between 20 and 150 kHz to determine the best and most efficient operating point. They also investigated how to size the magnetic system for such large air-gaps. Here, they investigated power transfers over air-gaps of up to twice the coil diameter. Their built system, was driven from a series tuned resonant converter and operated at 100 kHz to transfer 1 kW over an air-gap of 300 mm using matched circular couplers each having a coil diameter of 400 mm. The complete system achieved an overall efficiency
Similar development research was also being undertaken at Sojo Universities [70], and the University of Auckland [26] around this period to optimize the design of the ferrite couplers, and this culminated in various systems discussed and displayed in the late 2000s at high efficiency and with good tolerance. The system that most closely resembled Mecke's was displayed at EVS 2009 in Stavanger and is discussed in [26]. While this Auckland system operated at a modest 20 kHz, 2 kW of power was able to be transferred over clearances of 220 mm while also allowing lateral tolerances of up to
In 2005, there was considerable interest in research presented by Kurs et al. [52] and specifically in using circular coils to couple over very large air-gaps similar to that described by Tesla [1], [2]. Of particular interest was the ability to transfer useful power with clearances of up to 3 m using frequencies
Nevertheless, a great deal of investigation has continued in this area to exploit potential applications [2], however, when commercializing inductive power technology for vehicle charging the recent focus is on frequencies of between 20 and 150 kHz depending on the power level. For private vehicles frequencies
B. Polarized Solenoidal Magnetic Systems
With conventional coupled systems, the poor coupling ability of circular pads is largely because significant flux paths cannot have a footprint beyond the coil, which in the circular pads with low leakage is
C. Single-Sided Couplers: Circular Versus Polarized
Single-sided polarized coils such as the double-D (DD) [31] have developed from the solenoidal coil in an attempt to further improve the unloaded coil
Like the circular pad of Fig. 2(a), this DD pad in Fig. 2(b) only produces flux out the coil side of the ferrite—there is no flux out the back, and minimal flux out the ends of the ferrite. It requires no aluminum to screen it but may use aluminum behind the ferrite for structural integrity. Typically, the pickup coil will have a
Untuned output power of various single-sided topologies with lateral movement at a clearance of 125 mm with
Of particular importance is the need to keep the system on the car as small as possible, and given polarized systems have excellent coupling capability, one possibility is to have a circular primary that is slightly larger, and a smaller polarized secondary, which would bring together the benefits of both systems. As shown in [33] and in Fig. 3(c) for the designs with identical areas, such a polarized and circular system can be interoperable, but there are now two regions where power can be usefully coupled but not where they are perfectly aligned. An issue of concern, however, is the potential flux leakage and heating effects that could result because of the need for such an offset in operation.
D. Single-Sided Multicoil Polarized Couplers
New magnetic structures have also derived from the DD coil topology to enhance the interoperability of the magnetic design either as a primary or as a secondary system (or both) [31]–[34]. These topologies enable almost all of the features of both the circular and simple polarized magnetic designs to be included but with useful improvements. Because of their coil structures that are designed to be magnetically independent (although existing within the same ferrite structure), they can capture and use almost all of the flux present providing they are oriented correctly (as for polarized systems). Conceptually, they capture both the sine and cosine of the flux vector and are therefore quadrature systems as described following. They can be used for both stationary charging and for dynamic applications and they can also be used in both single-phase and three-phase applications without compromise. They are tolerant to misalignment and to significant variations in the air-gap spacing. Given the desire to be interoperable with many possible systems, the focus to date is on secondary systems as described following.
1. DDQ Coupler
As an example of such a mutlicoil pad the DD pickup may be converted to a DDQ coil by adding a third coil in quadrature [31], [33] and shown in Fig. 4(a). This coil is also a flat Archimedean spiral essentially circular or slightly squarish coil that is placed symmetrically across the line of touching of the two original coils in the DD. If the two original coils (combined) are regarded as a single winding
Untuned output power of a DDQ secondary on a circular or DD topologies with lateral movement at 125-mm gap with
In another very important way, the DDQ pick up, however, may be seen as essentially a two-phase coil and it can be used with a three-phase excitation coil (under the road) if the wavelengths of the flux patterns are more or less equal as shown in similar research with AGV track systems [58], [59].
2. Bipolar Coupler
Another multicoil coupler called a bipolar (BP) design also includes magnetically independent coils [34] shown in Fig. 4(b). Its operation may be visualized by considering the two coils lying on the striated ferrite such that the line of centers is along the direction of the ferrite. If the coils are now made larger, but keeping the line of centers the same, then at some point where the two coils overlap they can be designed to be orthogonal to each other. At this point, the outputs from the two coils are uncorrelated and they can be used independently, and tuned independently, with independent outputs. As a secondary (vehicle) coupler, the output from a BP pad is almost identical (
Measured and simulated comparisons of un-tuned output power at 127 mm gap with lateral misalignment between pads. Each primary is energized with
E. Three-phase Magnetic Systems
Today, the complete coupled system for an EV charger as described above is essentially a single phase one extending from a single-phase power supply driving a single-phase ground pad, coupled to a single-phase secondary pad with one or more coils under the vehicle, each with a single-phase resonant circuit and associated control. Alternatively, two- or three-phase systems may use two- or three-phase ground pads coupled to single-, two- or three-phase vehicle pads, and a variety of processing circuits. Two-phase pads such as the BP pad operating with currents in each coil at 90° as described in [32] were found to be less effective than the DD single-phase generator described above and require two synchronized generators. Three-phase ground pads may comprise three single-phase pads or one pad specially designed for three-phase operation and were proposed [74], [75] and applied in various commercial systems [76]–[78]. At present, it is not clear which is the better system. Single-phase systems are potentially lower cost but three-phase systems may produce better coupling results, particularly at higher powers, with larger air-gaps and possibly in dynamic applications, however, they are also necessarily large.
Three-phase IPT pickup systems operate in a similar fashion to three-phase linear induction motors except that the traveling magnetic field in an IPT system moves at such high speed that positive and negative sequences are not so important as the concept of slip has no meaning. Usually, with a three-phase system a three-phase generator would be used with a three-phase track and three-phase pickups, but as these pickups can be very large a better option may well be to use single-phase pickups with a DDQ or BP pickup to give continuous output power. Three-phase systems can also be used with a single-phase pickup covering
Powering EVs Wirelessly on the Move
As described above, IPT systems hold the promise of charging EVs without wires. Hands-free charging simply involves parking over a charging pad and the system will automatically connect and charge the battery in a process that is truly opportunistic and can be repeated many times per day whenever the vehicle is stationary, and the opportunity arises. In the most stringent stationary charging application for IPT systems so far, couplers used on a roadside must transfer power from a ground pad buried in the road to a pad in a vehicle some 250-mm above it with a possible misalignment of 150–200 mm in any direction. The coupling pads may be circular, elliptical, oval, or rectangular and today will usually have single sided coils to optimize their coupling efficiency and reduce the losses. As discussed in Section V, an obvious choice of pads is a DD pad on the ground with either a DDQ or BP pad on the vehicle. As noted, the pads do need a protective covering that is usually polyurethane on the car pad and a suitable material on the ground pad. The ground pad may need special strengthening if vehicle wheels can run over it as the fragile ferrite in its core is always an issue.
In a more challenging mode, power transfer may be established with the EV while it is being driven along the road in a lane that includes wiring to create a magnetic field that the vehicle drives above. This is the ultimate EV experience—an EV with no range anxiety, that does not need long charging times, and that is more efficient than any other EV can ever be as the power flow is essentially from the road directly to the wheel motors bypassing the battery that maintains its charge principally by scavenging energy as available. For systems to be developed and then installed with confidence by municipal or government authorities, several decisions, however, need to be made to ensure compatibility of the best magnetic couplers by the various suppliers and car manufacturers that are targeting this technology, particularly given the investment is likely to be high (perhaps as much as 10% of a highway lane) and needs to last for up to 30 years. Thus, the focus of new research is to determine not only the best frequency of operation (something that needs to be agreed across a number of interested parties), but also the power transfer rates/meter-squared over defined clearances and tolerances, a selection of robust magnetics that are compatible between various suppliers and suitable for the application (that includes light, medium, and potentially heavy duty vehicles) while size and weight limits also need to be addressed on board the vehicle. Despite the enormous challenges, this is an ideal situation that only IPT can possibly deliver, therefore steps toward it must be considered as discussed below.
The ability of these new polarized pads with two independent coils in the secondary to provide flux over a much wider surface makes them much better candidates for dynamic operation enabling a vehicle to travel from pad to pad coupling power dynamically as it proceeds. When operated from a DD primary, they are particularly tolerant to movement with lateral displacements in both
Over the past two decades two particular developments worth noting have shown that inductive roadway power is possible. The KAIST system as recently proposed [42]–[45] uses essentially a polarized track configuration with long segmented track coils and polarized secondaries (similar to the DD) under the vehicle. Power nulls are noticeable when the vehicle secondary is operating between the poles pieces under the ground. The Bombardier system [77], [78] uses a three-phase magnetic track and can transfer power to large vehicles. Again the track lengths are long and well suited to large vehicles but not so well suited for smaller private vehicles. As proposed by Bolger [79] and Ross [80], energized track sections should be limited for efficiency reasons, and ideally these sections should be smaller than a vehicle's length to localize the power coupling and avoid energizing and heating unwanted loads [41]. This ensures that the system is efficient under operation but requires a larger number of smaller pads (perhaps as small as 1
(a) Experimental and (b) simulated laboratory scale setup of a roadway system comprising DDQ secondary on DD ground pads. (c) Measured and simulated untuned power (matching within 1%) with 23 A at 20 kHz in each DD pad with a pitch of 425 mm and pad clearance
Control of the IPT System
Controlling power flow in IPT systems is a problem common to virtually all IPT systems. In principle, there are three options available and choosing the best one may affect the efficiency by as much as 10%–20% as follows:
secondary side control;
primary side control;
a combination controller affecting both the primary and the secondary.
In early commercial applications of inductive power transfer, the object is to couple power to multiple loads operating off of a single track. As such the most common control approach is secondary side control where the track current and frequency are held nominally constant, and each secondary independently regulated its power as required by its load [3], [7]. This type of control essentially varies
For charging applications where there is one supply for each coupled load, there is a tendency to operate using only primary side control [84]–[86]. This entails regulating both the primary current in the magnetic pad and also the frequency (if desired) to regulate the secondary—that usually has only a simple rectifier and filter. In consequence, there can be a considerable efficiency gain at light load over pure secondary control, but a wireless communication link between the primary and secondary is essential to enable safe power regulation. Generally, however, the secondary also needs a protection switch to shut off power in a system failure where too much power is found to be coupled—in such cases, a combination of primary and secondary side control is then possible without adding significantly to the cost. Primary side control on its own, is not desirable in multiple pickup materials handling systems given that this would vary the power transfer to all the pickups simultaneously and would be problematic in operation as a secondary needing more power would have to increase its operating
A controller that can vary both the track current and the secondary
A few controllers exercise control by simply allowing the frequency to vary and then choosing option 1, 2, or 3. These variable frequency systems can improve the efficiency by being perfectly tuned but are difficult to use in multiple pickup situations where the pickups are tuned at different frequencies. Other options include retuning the system using additional VAR correction mechanisms on either the primary or secondary side [3], however, these systems are often bulky and costly that is also undesirable. For dynamic IPT roadway applications, there is clearly no time to retune and therefore a variation of option 3 is preferred, where the roadway pad current is set for the vehicle power demand and the secondary controller regulates the power.
For stationary charging EV systems, there is now considerable research regarding means to enable EV loads to work as a controlled load on a smart grid. This is particularly desirable given it was shown [41], [88], that EVs balance the available green but fluctuable sources such as wind, wave, and solar that governments would like to use to increase the supply mix but that also create potential stability issues. Both bidirectional and unidirectional inductive options exist [41], [76], [88]–[91], although the extra electronics and power control necessary to enable bidirectional power flow needs to be justified, given unidirectional power flow can provide much of the benefits with little more than a smart control algorithm [92], [93]. For dynamic power transfer on highways, there is a little time available to consider power flow back to the mains, and unidirectional demand control is a simpler option with clear benefits.
This paper reviewed the challenge ahead to create low-cost inductively coupled EVs operating under stringent conditions that compared with the state-of-the-art 15 years ago require 10–100 times larger clearances and tolerances for similar or higher efficiency. Here, traditional circular pad technology is challenged by polarized pads giving greater height and versatility. A variety of such pads are available offering options that are interoperable with each other and with circular pads without a significant loss in power or efficiency. The more modern polarized pads and their combinations may be used for stationary charging (BEV) or dynamic charging (EV) without restrictions hence EVs on the road can be powered at high efficiency from renewables or any other source as they move. Progress from here will require the construction of pad sets that can last in a roadway for 30 years or more and continue to operate efficiently over their lifetime despite changes in technology.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Budhia for providing the figures for the roadway powered analysis.