I. Introduction
VEHICULAR delay tolerant network (VDTN) is one of the most important applications for the vehicle-to-roadside communications, which have recently gained much research attention [1]–[3]. In a typical VDTN, unconnected stationary roadside units (RSUs) are deployed along highways. Due to deployment cost, the RSUs are usually separated by a considerable distance. Once a vehicle leaves the coverage of one RSU, its communication is in outage until the vehicle moves into the coverage of another RSU. The multi-hop relaying technique can be used to extend the coverage area of an RSU [4], [5]. However, throughput will quickly diminish to zero as the number of hops increases [6]. Besides, multi-hop routing requires much overhead due to frequent handovers, which are caused by dynamic changes to the network topology owing to user movement [5]. In this letter, we introduce a message forwarding mechanism for reducing the outage time for vehicle communications in VDTNs, where some passing by vehicles are used as store-and-forward relays and help other vehicles reduce communication outage time.