I. Introduction
The test standards used to check the dielectric strength of electrical equipment are specified in IEC 60060–1 “High-voltage test techniques Part 1” [1] governed by IEC TC42 “High-voltage and high-current test techniques”. In these standards, the standard lightning-impulse voltage is defined as follows: “The standard lightning-impulse voltage is a smooth full lightning-impulse voltage having a front time of and a time to half-value of “ (Hereinafter in the present paper, T1: Front time and T2: Time to half-value are expressed as uniformly, according to the current means of description, including cases where other methods of description were historically used in the U.S.A.). The latest IEC is that revised and published in 2010 mainly for electrical equipment of 800 kV or less, including the introduction of a waveform conversion method using the test voltage function (K-factor function) and the clarification of standard values, such as the overshoot rate [2], [3]. Currently, studies are ongoing in the WG 19 “Adaptation of TC 42 standards to UHV test requirements” to establish standards for UHV-class electrical equipment [4], [5].