I. Introduction
The electrical properties of a substation grounding system, such as grounding resistance, step voltage, and touch voltage, are related to soil characteristics. The soil characteristics change in different seasons. During freezing seasons, the resistivity of soil increases to several tens of times of that in other seasons, and is measured in the range of 1000 to 15000 m. In North China, the thickness of the frozen soil is from 1 to 2 m, but in Northeast China, it can reach about 4 to 6 m. The frozen soil strongly affects the safety of the grounding system as discussed in [1]–[3]. The grounding resistances of the substation grounding grids and the tower footing devices increase in the frozen soil. As a result, the fault current-division factor may change, which would affect the design of the grounding system. A discussion about the influence of the frozen soil on the optimal design of the grounding system can be seen in [4].