I. Introduction
The quality of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation (EMO) candidate solution sets can be measured by their proximity, diversity and pertinence. Proximity is a measure of the distance between the approximation set and the true Paretooptimal front
This notion of “Pareto” optimality was originally proposed by Francis Edgeworth in 1881 [1] and was later developed by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto in 1896 who used the concept in his studies of economic efficiency and income distribution [2].
whilst diversity is a measure of the distribution of solutions along that front in multi-objective space. An ideal multi-objective optimiser converges to solutions that are uniformly spread along the true Pareto-optimal front [3]. In real-world optimisation problems this approximation set must also be pertinent [4] (that is relevant to the preferences expressed by the Decision Maker (DM)). A good Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) satisfies these goals adequately, presenting the DM with an approximation set of diverse trade-off solutions within the search space of their specified Region Of Interest (ROI). These measures of performance have been illustrated in figure 1. Proximity, diversity, and pertinence characteristics in an approximation set for a bi-objective problem.