Time-domain discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods (TD-DG-FEMs), which have recently gained popularity among computational electromagnetics practitioners, are becoming an attractive alternative to finite difference time domain (FDTD) methods in characterization of transient electromagnetic wave interactions [1]–[7]. Unlike “traditional” FEM, DG-FEM utilizes numerical flux to realize “information flow” between discretization elements; use of numerical flux results in localized spatial operations. This equips DG-FEM with several desired properties: (i) Mass matrix is block diagonal and can be inverted with little cost. (ii) Higher-order spatial basis functions and adaptive/hybrid meshing schemes are easily implemented. (iii) Time integration/marching is explicit.
On the other hand, like all other differential equation based solution techniques, DG-FEM requires an unbounded physical domain of interest to be truncated into a bounded computation domain. The most well known technique used for this purpose is to introduce a perfectly matched layer (PML) around the computation domain [8], [9]; DG-FEMs that utilize PML have already been developed [3], [5]. Despite being error-controllable (up to certain degree), PMLs give rise to non-negligible errors, which tend to accumulate during long-duration simulations. Additionally, it has been recently shown that low-order PML profiles work considerably better than high-order ones when incorporated in DG-FEM [5]. This means that when DG-FEM is used for characterizing wave interactions in unbounded domains truncated by PML, increasing the order of the spatial basis functions will not result in a more accurate solution, i.e., the overall accuracy of the simulation will be limited by the accuracy of the PML. Use of mathematically exact absorbing boundary conditions (EACs) could be greatly beneficial in such cases. There are several well-developed approaches to EACs, which have been extensively used with traditional FEM and FDTD [6], [7], [10]–[13], but there are only a few publications on DG-FEM with EACs, and these publications do not provide details about the discretization of the EACs and the incorporation of the discretized forms into the DG-FEM framework [6], [7].
In this work, time-domain EAC, which has been previously used in FDTD frameworks [10]–[13], is combined with high-order TD-DG-FEM for solving Maxwell equations to characterize transient wave interactions on two-dimensional (2D) waveguides. The EAC under consideration is analytically derived from the radiation conditions of the outgoing waves. It should be noted here that the EACs used here are different than those in [6], [7]. The latter are obtained through the application of an iterative procedure to the radiation conditions and are only asymptotically exact. Additionally, their incorporation into the TD-DG-FEM framework requires introduction of auxiliary variables. Furthermore, this work explains in detail how the EACs can be discretized using a high-order scheme that is fully consistent with the discretization scheme employed by the TD-DG-FEM. This approach ensures that the accuracy of the EAC discretization matches that of the TD-DG-FEM for all orders of spatial basis functions. Numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the TD-DG-FEM that employs approximate boundary conditions and PML. It is also shown that the TD-DG-FEM with EAC can produce the solution with ten-eleven digit accuracy when high-order spatial basis functions are used to discretize the Maxwell equations as well as the EAC.
A. Maxwell Equations and Their Discretization
Consider the 2D waveguide shown in Fig. 1. Here, \eqalignno{\varepsilon ({\bf r})\partial_{t}E_{x}({\bf r},t)=&\,\partial_{y}H_{z}({\bf r},t)-\partial_{z}H_{y}({\bf r},t) \cr\mu ({\bf r})\partial_{t}H_{y}({\bf r},t)=&\,-\partial_{z}E_{x}({\bf r},t) \cr\mu ({\bf r})\partial_{t}H_{z}({\bf r},t)=&\,\partial_{y}E_{x}({\bf r},t) &{\hbox{(1)}}}
\eqalignno{E_{x}({\bf r},t)\simeq &\,\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{N_{p}}{E_{x}}({\bf r}_{i},t)\ell_{i}({\bf r})\cr=&\,\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{N_{p}}{E_{x,i}^{k}(t)\ell_{i}({\bf r})} \cr H_{v}({\bf r},t)\simeq &\,\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{N_{p}}{H_{v}}({\bf r}_{i},t)\ell_{i}({\bf r})\cr=&\,\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{N_{p}}{H_{v,i}^{k}(t)\ell_{i}({\bf r})}.&{\hbox{(2)}}}
\eqalignno{\varepsilon^{k}\partial_{t}{\bf E}_{x}^{k}(t)=&\,{\bf D}_{y}^{k}{\bf H}_{z}^{k}(t)-{\bf D}_{z}^{k}{\bf H}_{y}^{k}(t)+({\bf M}^{k})^{-1}{\bf N}^{k}{\bf F}_{Ex}^{k}(t) \cr\mu^{k}\partial_{t}{\bf H}_{y}^{k}(t)=&\,-{\bf D}_{z}^{k}{\bf E}_{x}^{k}(t)+({\bf M}^{k})^{-1}{\bf N}^{k}{\bf F}_{Hy}^{k}(t) \cr\mu^{k}\partial_{t}{\bf H}_{z}^{k}(t)=&\,{\bf D}_{y}^{k}{\bf E}_{x}^{k}(t)+({\bf M}^{k})^{-1}{\bf N}^{k}{\bf F}_{Hz}^{k}(t) &{\hbox{(3)}}}
\eqalignno{\left[{\bf E}_{x}^{k}(t)\right]_{i}=&\,E_{x,i}^{k}(t),\quad\left[{\bf H}_{v}^{k}(t)\right]_{i}=H_{v,i}^{k}(t) \cr\left[{\bf D}_{v}^{k}\right]_{ij}=&\,\partial_{v}\ell_{j}({\bf r}_{i}),\quad v\in\left\{{y,z}\right\} \cr\left[{\bf M}^{k}\right]_{ij}=&\,\int_{\Omega^{k}}{\ell_{i}({\bf r})\ell_{j}({\bf r})d{\bf r}} \cr\left[{\bf N}^{k}\right]_{ij}=&\,\int_{\partial\Omega^{k}}{\ell_{i}({\bf r})\ell_{j}({\bf r})d{\bf r}},\quad j\in\left\{j:{\bf r}_{j}\in{\partial\Omega^{k}}\right\} &{\hbox{(4)}}}
\eqalignno{&\left[{\bf F}_{Ex}^{k}(t)\right]_{i^{\prime}}\cr&\quad= Z^{-1}\left(Z^{l}\left(n_{z,i^{\prime}}\Delta H_{y,i^{\prime}}^{k}-n_{y,i^{\prime}}\Delta H_{z,i^{\prime}}^{k}\right)-\Delta E_{x,i^{\prime}}^{k}\right) \cr&\left[{\bf F}_{Hy}^{k}(t)\right]_{i^{\prime}}\cr&\quad=-n_{z,i^{\prime}}Y^{-1}\left(n_{z,i^{\prime}}\Delta H_{y,i^{\prime}}^{k}-n_{y,i^{\prime}}\Delta H_{z,i^{\prime}}^{k}-Y^{l}\Delta E_{x,i^{\prime}}^{k}\right) \cr& [{\bf F}_{Hz}^{k}(t)]_{i^{\prime}}\cr&\quad=n_{y,i^{\prime}}Y^{-1}\!\left(n_{z,i^{\prime}}\Delta H_{y,i^{\prime}}^{k}-n_{y,i^{\prime}}\Delta H_{z,i^{\prime}}^{k}-Y^{l}\Delta E_{x,i^{\prime}}^{k}\right) &{\hbox{(5)}}}
It should be noted here that the numerical flux could be used for introducing excitation into the computation domain. Here, this is implemented via commonly used total field/scattered field (TF/SF) approach [1], [3], [9]. Let
Numerical flux could also be used for accounting for PEC objects. Boundary conditions on
Finally, a few observations in regarding (1)–(5) are in order: (i) (1)–(5) are only derived for TE waves; extension to transverse magnetic (TM) waves is trivial. (ii) The time samples of
B. Time-Domain EACs and Their Discretization
The time-domain EACs are enforced on the virtual boundaries
In external homogeneous domain \eqalignno{\partial_{t}^{2}U({\bf r},t)=&\,\partial_{y}^{2}U({\bf r},t)+\partial_{z}^{2}U({\bf r},t),\quad{\bf r}\in{\bf I},\quad t>0 \cr U({\bf r},0)=&\,\left.{\partial_{t}U({\bf r},t)}\right\vert_{t=0}=0 &{\hbox{(6)}}}
U({\bf r},t)=\sum\nolimits_{n=1}^{\infty}{u_{n}(z,t)e_{n}(y)},\quad{\bf r}\in{\bf I}.\eqno{\hbox{(7)}}
u_{n}(z,t)=\int_{0}^{a}{U({\bf r},t)e_{n}(y)dy},\quad n=1,2,\ldots,
\eqalignno{\partial_{t}^{2}u_{n}(z,t)=&\,\partial_{z}^{2}u_{n}(z,t)-f_{n}^{2}u_{n}(z,t),\quad z\le L_{1},\quad t>0 \cr u_{n}(z,0)=&\,\left.{\partial_{t}u_{n}(z,t)}\right\vert_{t=0}=0,\quad n=1,2,\ldots.&{\hbox{(8)}}}
Fourier transforming (8) turns it into an inhomogeneous Cauchy problem that can be solved in the space of generalized functions. Inverse Fourier transforming this solution provides the solution of (8) in time domain. Enforcing this solution on the virtual boundary \eqalignno{u_{n}(L_{1},t)=&\,\int_{0}^{t}{J_{0}[f_{n}(t-t^{\prime})]\left.{\partial_{z}u_{n}(z,t^{\prime})}\right\vert_{z=L_{1}}dt^{\prime}} \cr t\ge&\,0,\quad n=1,2,\ldots}
\eqalignno{\partial_{t}U({\bf r}_{L1},t)=&\,\left.{\partial_{z}U({\bf r},t)}\right\vert_{{\bf r}={\bf r}_{L1}}\cr &-\sum\nolimits_{n=1}^{\infty}{f_{n}e_{n}(y)\int_{0}^{t}{{{J_{1}[f_{n}(t-t^{\prime})]\relax}\over{t-t^{\prime}}}}}\cr &\times\int_{0}^{a}{U({\bf r}^{\prime}_{L1},t^{\prime})e_{n}(y^{\prime})dy^{\prime}}dt^{\prime} \cr 0<&\,y<a, t\ge 0 &{\hbox{(9)}}}
\eqalignno{\partial_{t}U({\bf r}_{L2},t)=&\,\left.{-\partial_{z}U({\bf r},t)}\right\vert_{{\bf r}={\bf r}_{L2}}\cr& -\sum\nolimits_{n=1}^{\infty}{f_{n}e_{n}(y)\int_{0}^{t}{{{J_{1}[f_{n}(t-t^{\prime})]\relax}\over{t-t^{\prime}}}}}\cr&\times\int_{0}^{b}{U({\bf r}^{\prime}_{L2},t^{\prime})e_{n}(y^{\prime})dy^{\prime}}dt^{\prime} \cr0<&\,y<b, t\ge 0 &{\hbox{(10)}}}
The time-domain EACs (9) in and (10) are discretized using a scheme that is fully consistent with the discretization of the Maxwell equations, which is carried out by the TD-DG-FEM. The scheme follows the same steps for (9) and (10), hence only the discretization of (9) is detailed step-by-step in what follows.
(i) The summation over
(ii) Assume that discretization element
(iii) The normal derivative operator “\eqalignno{\left[{\mathhat{\bf E}}_{x}^{m}(t)\right]_{i}=&\,\cases{[{\bf U}^{m}(t)]_{j}& if ${\bf r}_{i}\in{\bf L}_{1}$ and ${\bf r}_{j}={\bf r}_{i}$\cr [{\bf E}_{x}^{m}(t)]_{i}=E_{x,i}^{m}(t), & otherwise\cr}\cr\left[{\mathhat{\bf H}}_{v}^{m}(t)\right]_{i}=&\,\cases{[{\bf U}^{m}(t)]_{j}& if ${\bf r}_{i}\in{\bf L}_{1}$ and ${\bf r}_{j}={\bf r}_{i}$\cr [{\bf H}_{v}^{m}(t)]_{i}=H_{v,i}^{m}(t), & otherwise\cr}}
(iv) The integration over
The above four steps yield the following semi-discrete equation: \eqalignno{&\partial_{t}{\bf U}^{m}(t)={\bf P}^{m}{\bf D}_{z}^{m}{\mathhat{\bf U}}^{m}(t)\cr &-\sum\nolimits_{n=1}^{N_{h}}f_{n}{\bf e}_{n}^{m}\int_{0}^{t}{{J_{1}[f_{n}(t-t^{\prime}) ] }\over{t-t^{\prime}}} \sum\nolimits_{m^{\prime}}{{\bf w}^{m^{\prime}}{\bf U}^{m^{\prime}}(t^{\prime}){\bf e}_{n}^{m^{\prime}}}dt^{\prime} \qquad &{\hbox{(11)}}}
\eqalignno{&\partial_{t}{\bf U}^{m}(t)=-{\bf P}^{m}{\bf D}_{z}^{m}{\mathhat{\bf U}}^{m}(t)\cr &-\sum\nolimits_{n=1}^{N_{h}}f_{n}{\bf e}_{n}^{m}\int_{0}^{t}{{J_{1}[f_{n}(t-t^{\prime}) ] }\over{t-t^{\prime}}} \sum\nolimits_{m^{\prime}}{{\bf w}^{m^{\prime}}{\bf U}^{m^{\prime}}(t^{\prime}){\bf e}_{n}^{m^{\prime}}}dt^{\prime} \qquad&{\hbox{(12)}}}
As described in Section II-A, the (discontinuous) field values on the nodes of the common edge of two neighboring discretization elements are “connected” via the numerical flux, see (5) and [1], [2]. The same argument holds true for the field values on the nodes shared by
Finally several observations regarding (9)–(12) are in order: (i) (3), (11), and (12) form a coupled set of ordinary differential equations in unknown samples
Numerical Results
In this section, the accuracy of the proposed TD-DG-FEM with EAC is compared to that of the TD-DG-FEM with PML and an approximate absorbing boundary condition (ABC) in computing transient fields on 2D waveguides. ABC considered here is the first-order Engquist-Majda condition [9], which enforces \eqalignno{\partial_{t}U({\bf r}_{L1},t)=&\,\left.{\partial_{z}U({\bf r},t)}\right\vert_{{\bf r}={\bf r}_{L1}} \cr\partial_{t}U({\bf r}_{L2},t)=&\,-\left.{\partial_{z}U({\bf r},t)}\right\vert_{{\bf r}={\bf r}_{L2}},\quad t\ge 0.}
In all the examples, the normalization unit magnetic field err^{\rm sim}(t)=\sqrt{{1\over{N_{e}}}\sum\nolimits_{k=1}^{N_{e}}{\int_{\Omega^{k}}{\left\vert{E_{x}^{\rm sim}({\bf r},t)-E_{x}^{\rm PEC}({\bf r},t)}\right\vert^{2}d{\bf r}}}}\eqno{\hbox{(13)}}
A. Open-Ended Waveguide
The first structure considered is a 2D waveguide open at both ends (Fig. 2). The sizes of computation domains for simulations with TD-DG-FEM using EAC and ABC, PML, and PEC are
(a) Computation domain with EAC and ABC truncation. (b) Computation domain with PML truncation. (c) Computation domain for reference solution.
It should be noted here that, in this example, the fields arrive normally onto
B. Waveguide Closed at One End
The structure considered in this section is a 2D waveguide, which is short-circuited at one end (Fig. 4). The sizes of computation domains for simulations with TD-DG-FEM using EAC and ABC, PML, and PEC are
(a) Computation domain with EAC and ABC truncation. (b) Computation domain with PML truncation.
To demonstrate how the error of EAC, ABC, and PML changes during the simulation, Fig. 6 plots
For this example, for all values of
A scheme for rigorously discretizing the time-domain EACs and coupling the resulting equations to 2D Maxwell equations, which are discretized by the TD-DG-FEM is presented. Numerical results demonstrate that the accuracy of the EAC discretization increases with the order of the spatial basis functions used in TD-DG-FEM; and that the method used in the truncation of the computation domain does no longer limit the overall accuracy of the solution.
Extensions of the proposed scheme, which allow the use of vector basis functions in the spatial discretization and discretization of three-dimensional EACs enforced on spherical surfaces, are underway.