I. Introduction
In the last few years, the backstepping method has been introduced to the boundary stabilization of some PDEs ([6], [13]). This powerful method can also be used to deal with the stabilization of wave equations with uncertainties in either boundary input or in observation ([4], [5]). Owing to its good performance in disturbance rejection and insensibility to uncertainties, the sliding mode control (SMC) has also been applied to some PDEs, see [1], [2], [8], [9], [11], [12]. Other approaches that are proposed to deal with the disturbance include the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) ([3]), and the adaptive control method for systems with unknown parameters ([6], [7]). In the ADRC approach, the disturbance is first estimated in terms of the output; and then canceled by its estimates. This is the way used in [4], [5], [7]. Compared with the SMC, the ADRC has not been used in distributed parameter systems.