I. Introduction
Radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) structures are used in front-end acceleration of protons or heavy ions in linear accelerators (LINAC) [1]–[4]. The distance between the vane tips is the most sensitive part of the RFQ structure [5], [6]. After manufacturing, an RFQ is tuned to obtain the needed field distribution and frequency of the quadrupole mode. In this tuning process, bead-pull measurements [7], [8] are usually performed at the four RFQ quadrants near vane gaps as indicated in point A in Fig. 1(b). Because of the narrow gap length between the vanes (point B in Fig. 1(b)), it is hard to pull a bead on the beam-axis. Slug tuners (Fig. 1(a)) are used to fine tune the measured field at point A to the design field, and this tuned field is used as a reference field to infer the on-axis field at point B. Magnetic pickup probes which measure magnetic fields near the cavity wall (point C or C' of quadrant in Fig. 1) are often calibrated with this reference field.
(a) PISL and Tuner locations in an RFQ (b) field observation positions of an RFQ (a) Bead-pull measurement position (b) Beam-axis position (c) Pickup probes position 1 (c') Pickup probes position 2 .