I. introduction
Internal model principle [1] has been used to track and reject periodic signals in finite dimensional linear [2]–[6] and nonlinear systems [7]–[9] when the plant model is known. When the plant model is unknown, this principle has been applied using only the transfer function (TF) gains at the frequencies of interest, to track bandlimited periodic signals in case of stable linear finite [10], linear infinite [11]–[13] and nonlinear finite [14] dimensional systems. The control schemes in [13] and [14] are similar and are motivated by a motion distortion problem in steel casting mold oscillation systems that include a servo-beam structure. This application can be characterized as a sinusoidally excited linear infinite dimensional structure with a small finite dimensional nonlinear perturbation causing the generation of unwanted harmonics which excite a structural resonance. The control objective is to eliminate the harmonic at the resonance frequency from the output. In the absence of the nonlinear perturbation, [13] addressed the tracking of bandlimited periodic signals by exponentially stable regular linear systems (RLS), a class which encompasses a large number of infinite-dimensional physical models. In the presence of nonlinear perturbation [14] addresses rejection of unwanted harmonics only in a stable finite dimensional linear system.