I. Introduction
The Super-Twisting Algorithm (STA) is a well-known second order sliding modes (SOSM) algorithm introduced in [9], and it has been widely used for control [1], [4], [7], [9], [11], [12], observation [5], and robust exact differentiation [10], [15]. The STA can be written as \eqalignno{{\mathdot {x}}_{1}= &\, -k_{1}\left \vert x_{1}\right \vert ^{1/2} {\rm sign}\left (x_{1}\right) +x_{2}+\varrho _{1}\left (x,t\right) \cr {\mathdot {x}}_{2}= &\, -k_{2} {\rm sign}\left (x_{1}\right) +\varrho _{2}\left (x,t\right) &{\hbox{(1)}}}
where are the scalar state variables, are gains to be designed, and are the perturbation terms. Under some conditions on , (1) is robust against a bounded perturbation , . Since the righthand side of (1) is discontinuous, its solutions will be understood in the sense of Filippov [6].