I. Introduction
Metallic structures of circular cross section with a helical corrugation of the inner surface (helical waveguides) are widely used in microwave high-power electronics. In particular, they are frequently employed as selective elements, such as mode converters and reflectors for waves of circular waveguides (see, e.g., [1]–[3]). Furthermore, helical structures are used or considered to be used as operating electrodynamic systems of various electronic devices [4], [5]. Currently, two areas in which the waveguides with helical corrugation play a key role are being developed most actively. The first area is the development of gyro-devices with a high level of continuous or average power and a wideband frequency tuning in the millimeter wavelength range [6], and the second is the creation of passive microwave pulse compressors for achieving multigigawatt power levels in - and -bands [7], [8].