The method of the fast analysis of production logistics systems using simulation was developed by the authors of this paper. The suggested simulation represents MRP simulation type (Ingalls 2008; Lee, Son and Wysk 2007). However, due to some of its features, the simulation exceeds the typical range of MRP kind of simulation. It is assumed that MRP simulations are the forecasting ‘what-if’ simulations which are usually related to specific, individual situations - case study (Byme and Bakir 1999). The proposed method can be located between operational and tactic level. (Kosturiak and Gregor 1999). See Figure 1. The presented solution suggests the method of modelling the production logistics system and the method of finding and eliminating bottlenecks with use of simulation. This is a solution of a universal kind, which makes it possible to apply the method to analyzing various structures of production processes.