I. Introduction
The inter-turn short circuits fault of field windings, which often happens in turbine generators, can cause serious damages [1]–[3]. The National Standards contains the gap detector coil method that detects the inter-turn circuits fault in China. However, there is not the detector equipment in a part of electric power plants [4]. So it is necessary for studying new diagnosis method to further know fault feature of inter-turn short circuit of field windings. Existing research followed the experimental research, the qualitative analysis approaches and the numerical simulation method [2]–[4]. Some useful results have been achieved up to now. The qualitative analysis can get fault characteristic, the experimental research is closer to the actual situation, but for large-scale units, the experimental research needs the higher cost of the experiment and it is lack of universality, which has limitations in practical applications. The numerical simulation method can obtain accurately the distribution and the value of fault current in the loops [4] by simulating different operations of different structure machines with less cost [5]–[7].