I. Introduction
RECENTYL, many researches have been done on the applications of neural networks (NNs) for prediction, identification and control of dynamic systems [1]–[5]. The most useful property of NNs is their ability to approximate arbitrary linear or nonlinear mapping through learning. Based on their approximation ability, the NNs have been used for approximation of control system dynamics or controllers. According to the structure, the NNs can be mainly classified as feedforward neural networks (FNNs) [2], [3] and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) [4], [5]. RNN has capabilities superior to FNN, such as the dynamic response and information storing ability [4], [5]. Since a RNN has an internal feedback loop, it captures the dynamic response of system with external feedback through delays. Thus, the RNN is a dynamic mapping and demonstrates good control performance in presence of unmodelled dynamics. However, no matter FNNs or RNNs, the learning is slow since all the weights are updated during each learning cycle. Therefore, the effectiveness of NN is limited in problems requiring on-line learning.