Power flow equation.
ESRACExpected squared of remedial action cost.
Active and reactive power injection of parallel inverter.
Magnitude and phase angle of parallel inverter voltage.
Active and reactive power injection of series inverter.
Magnitude and phase angle of series inverter voltage.
Magnitude and phase angle of PB .
Difference between PB and SB voltages.
Active and reactive power injection of PS.
Currents of PB and SB.
Equivalent reactance of parallel transformer.
Equivalent reactance of series transformer.
NCNumber of selected contingencies.
NLDNumber of load points.
andProbability and frequency of contingency .
Duration of contingency (in hours).
Curtailed load cost (in U.S$) of contingency .
Curtailed load at point for contingency (j) (in megawatts).
Curtailment cost of load point for duration (in U.S.$/megwatt-h).
Remedial action cost of contingency .
Re-dispatch cost of generating unit (g) (in U.S.$/MW).
MW re-dispatch of unit in contingency .
NGNumber of generating units.
Active and reactive power of unit (g).
Generation cost of unit .
Max and Min active power generation for unit .
Max and Min reactive power generation for unit .
Vectors of active and reactive power generation, respectively.
Vectors of magnitude and phase angle of bus voltages.
Magnitude of voltage of bus .
Loading of line .
Max loading of line
NB and NLNumber of buses and lines, respectively.
Voltage and current of PB for contingency .
Voltage of PB and SB for contingency when UPFC is disconnected.
Self-impedance of SB for contingency .
Mutual impedance of PB and SB for contingency .
Max and Min voltage of inverters.
Max current of inverters.
andVariables for PS and SS control modes.
Sensitivity of to .
Sensitivity of to .
Sensitivity of to .
Estimated when the control modes and injections of PS and SS are and .
Post-contingency reactive injection of PS for contingency for and .
Post-contingency active injection of SS for contingency for and .
Post-contingency reactive injection of SS for contingency for and .
Post-contingency active injection of PS for contingency for and .