Incineration is considered to be one of the effective treatment approaches for municipal solid waste (MSW) for its simultaneous energy recovery and pollution minimization. Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) has attracted increasing attentions recently in China due to site unavailability for landfill as well as rapidly increasing land price. Although the removal efficiency is good when use incineration method to treat the combustible waste, there would generate the fly ash in the process and the amount is 3%~5% of the total amount of waste[1]The waste fly ash, which enriched many heavy metals and a little of organic pollutants, such as dioxins and furans, which has been classified as hazardous waste in the environmental regulations in China and it must be treated with the safe landfill method[2]. The toxicity of heavy metal in fly ash is not only related to the total amount of heavy metal, but the speciation distribution of it in a greater degree. The difference of biological and environmental effect of each heavy metal is great in spite of the total amount is same[3].