I General
Ka-band propagation impairments such as signal attenuation and scintillations would lead, if faced with the classical approach to system design, to an oversized antenna front-end in order to cope with the attenuation exceeded for a given percentage of time all over the service area of a broadcasting satellite. However, due to the localized nature of many meteorological phenomena such as rain, bad propagation conditions never occur simultaneously across the whole service area. More frequent is the case in which only a small fraction of the service area is affected by severe fading such as the ones encountered in the meteorological fronts. Then a fixed front-end would require an excessive power expenditure to accomplish the required availability performance as if the bad weather conditions were present simultaneously over the whole served region. On the opposite, a reconfigurable antenna front-end could be better exploited since the power would be allocated only for the amount that is really needed thanks to the ability to spatially arrange power distribution according to the actual time-variant propagation needs. The expected result may allow a considerable economy in the management of the limited on-board available resources.