I. Introduction
Pseudo-linear algebra [5], [1], also known as Ore algebra, allows to study the common properties of linear ordinary differential, difference, shift and other type of operators, expressed in terms of the skew polynomials. The concept of Ore algebra has been used earlier in control theory [6]. In [10], the concept of pseudo-linear algebra of (functional) operators has been combined with the concept of (Kähler) differentials in order to develop a unified “polynomial approach” for continuous-and discrete-time nonlinear control systems, or to be more precise, for generic (i.e not local) linearizations of nonlinear systems. The resulting models in terms of differentials can then be easily used for analysis. However, in order to find the control laws, one has to integrate the respective one-forms. Note that the paper focuses only on the algebraic aspects, and not on specifying the solution space.