I. Introduction
Atanassov [1] introduced the concept of the intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) set, which is characterized by a degree of membership and a degree of nonmembership. The IF set gives us the possibility to model hesitation and uncertainty by using an additional degree [2]–[9]. The IF set is a generalization of the fuzzy set [10]. Other extensions of the fuzzy set are the vague set [11] and the interval-valued fuzzy (IVF) set [12]. The vague set, which is characterized by a truth function and a false function, was proven to be the same as the IF set [13]. The IVF set is defined by an interval-valued membership function, which approximates the “real,” but unknown membership degree of an element to the given set. It was proven that the IVF set is isomorphic to the IF set in the sense of Atanassov [14]–[17], i.e., the IVF set is mathematically equivalent to the IF set, even if their interpretive settings and motivation are quite different [16]. The former captures the idea of the ill-known membership degree, while the latter starts from the idea of evaluating degrees of membership and nonmembership independently.