I. Introduction
The emergence of the worm to people's lives brought great losses. In order to provide some help to prevent the worms, computer viruses have been studied for a long time [1]–[4]. The spread of worm is similar to the spread of infectious diseases, but the spread of infectious diseases and different, such as: Code Red worm propagation velocity by bandwidth constraints. In view of this, Zou C C introduction of dynamic rates, the establishment of a two-factor model[5]. However, two-factor model did not consider the recovery of infected hosts. At the same time, As a result of abnormalities found in the host, the host for detection of anti-virus will take some time, we can use to describe this period of time delay, and we will delay it as the recovery period. In this paper, the dynamics of infectious diseases through research methods, in the two-factor model based on the introduction of time-delay, the establishment of a new worm propagation model of theoretical analysis with the spread of worms