I. Introduction
Privacy preserving data mining, an active research area, is the study of privacy implications on data mining [1]–[4]. Although the topic has many aspects and versatile by nature, the privacy requirement is very simple; nobody’s privacy is risked due to data mining threats. However, fulfilling the simple requirement is usually not trivial as advanced data mining algorithms can uncover implicit private knowledge. Consider the database publishing scenario where data owner wishes to make his database public for some reason, e.g. to be used in related research activities. In case the database contains sensitive data, they can be simply suppressed to get the sanitized version. But what if it holds sensitive knowledge that is implied by the database content? In this case, database sanitization is clearly more involved as suppressing the sensitive knowledge while maintaining the database integrity is not straightforward as before. The problem is known as the knowledge hiding problem. Other privacy preserving data mining problems include data obfuscation/perturbation, secure multi-party computation, secure knowledge sharing and k-anonymity [2].