I. Introduction
The production of electric and electronic equipment (EEE) is increasing worldwide. Both technological innovation and market expansion continue to accelerate the replacement of equipment leading to a significant increase of waste electric and electronic equipment. In west Europe, 6 million tons of wasted EEE was generated in 2000, the amount of wasted EEE is expected to increase by at least 3–5% per annum [3]. In the USA, a recent study shown that over 315 million computers would be at end of their life by the year 2004 [4]. EEE has started to enter Chinese households from 1980, the EEE has reached to their life time and it will be in peak output for wasted EEE currently in China. It is predicted that there will be 400 million to 500 million refrigerators, TVs and washing machines will be discarded every year in China [5].