I. Introduction
Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is very sensitive to carrier frequency offset (CFO) [1]. Existing CFO estimators can be classified as the data-aided ones [2]–[3] and the blind ones [4]–[8]. Recently, blind estimators have received much attention due to the high bandwidth efficiency. The blind method in [4] takes advantage of the redundant information within the cyclic prefix (CP). Yao and Giannakis have developed the Kurtosis estimator in [5] by measuring the non-Gaussian property of the received signal. However, these two methods usually suffer from performance degradation in frequency-selective fading channels. The Variance (VE) method [6] exploits the interference among subcarriers due to the CFO. And the Subspace method [7], proposed for the constant modulus (CM) constellations, utilizes the correlation of the channel. However, one main drawback of such schemes is the high computational complexity.