I. INTRODUCTION11This Paper will Use the Following Notation: (\cdot)^{\rm T} for Transposition, (\cdot)^{\rm H} for the Hermitian Operation, Diag (x_{1},\ldots, x_{N}) for an N\times N. Diagonal Matrix with x_{1},\ldots, x_{N} as the Diagonal Elements, Re {\rm Re}(\cdot) for a Complex entity's Real-Value Part, \otimes for the Kronecker Product, ° for an Element-Wise (Hadamard) Product Operator, for \sqrt{-1}, {\bf I}_{N\times N} for an N\times N. Identity Matrix, {\rm vec}(\cdot) for Stacking a matrix's Columns into One Column Vector, and O(N^{i}) for an Order-Of-Magnitude Same as N^{i}. Where i is an Integer.
This Paper will Use the Following Notation: for Transposition, for the Hermitian Operation, Diag for an . Diagonal Matrix with as the Diagonal Elements, Re for a Complex entity's Real-Value Part, for the Kronecker Product, ° for an Element-Wise (Hadamard) Product Operator, for for an . Identity Matrix, for Stacking a matrix's Columns into One Column Vector, and for an Order-Of-Magnitude Same as . Where is an Integer.