I. Introduction
Attenuation is one of the fundamental measurement quantities in almost all aspects of radio frequency (RF) and microwave measurement technologies. Attenuation is defined as the ratio of power absorbed by the load without the device under test (DUT) in the line to the power absorbed by the load with the DUT inserted in the line when the source and load are perfectly matched to the line impedance. If an attenuation measurement is carried out without the source and load being perfectly matched, there will be an error, i.e., a mismatch error, in the result. In high-precision attenuation measurements, this mismatch is often the largest term contributing to the systematic uncertainty. By using RF tuners and isolation elements, a precise match of source and load to the line impedance is possible. It provides the smallest mismatch uncertainty if carefully executed but has to be carried out anew when changing the measurement frequency [1], [2].