1. Introduction
The real-time embedded system industry is progressively moving towards the use of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components in an attempt to reduce costs and time-to-market, even for highly critical systems like those deployed by the avionic industry. While specialized hardware and software solutions are sometimes available for such markets, their average performance and ease of integration is lagging behind the development of COTS components. For example, a commercial plane like the Boeing 777 uses the SAFEbus backplane [12], which, while specially designed to meet the hard real-time constraints of an avionic system, is only capable of transferring data up to 60 Mbps. On the other side, a modern COTS peripheral bus such as PCI Express 2.0 [18] can reach transfer speeds of 16 Gbyte/s, over three orders of magnitude greater than SAFEbus.