I. Introduction
In recent years, substantial efforts have been made to improve the imaging resolution of SPECT systems dedicated to small lab studies. A review of some recent developments in small animal SPECT instrumentations was given by Meikle [5]. These developments have benefited from recent advances in gamma ray sensor technologies, which include the high resolution CZT focal plane detector developed at the University of Arizona [6], [7], the multi-pixel Hybrid PhotoDiode (M-HPD) developed at CERN [8], [9], the double-sided silicon strip sensors developed by Peterson et al. [10], the silicon drift diode (SDD) array developed by Fiorini et al. [11], [12], the Medipix (2) based hybrid pixel sensors developed at CERN [13], [14], EMCCD based mini gamma camera developed by de Vree et al. [15], Heemskerk et al. [16], Nagarkar et al. [17], [18] and Teo et al. [19], the GEM based photon sensors coupled to scintillation materials [20], [21], the intensified EMCCD cameras developed by Meng et al. [1], [2], the scientific CCD based ultra-high resolution photon sensors[22], the large area multi-channel plate (MCP) based detectors [23], [24], the avalanche photodiode (APD) detectors reported by Yatsu et al. [25] and Shah et al. [26], and the solid-state photomultiplier (SSPM) reported by Stapels [27] etc. Some of these developments have pushed the intrinsic detector resolution to well below a hundred micrometers for detecting 27–140 keV gamma rays. Several groups have proposed or developed prototype SPECT systems that have the potential of achieving an ultra-high imaging resolution in a few hundred microns range. These include the SemiSPECT reported by Kastis [6], the SiliSPECT under development by Peterson et al. [10], the MediSPECT proposed (and evaluated) by Accorsi et al. [28], [29], the U-SPECT-III proposed by Beekman et al. [30], and a low-cost and ultra-high resolution imager based on the second generation image intensifier [31] etc. in addition, Abbott et al. has reported the use of a pre-existing SPECT camera, arranged in an extreme focusing geometry for ultra-high resolution small animal SPECT imaging applications [32].