Spectral methods for analysis and design of digital logic circuits have been proposed and developed for several years. The widespread use of these techniques has suffered...Show MoreMetadata
Spectral methods for analysis and design of digital logic circuits have been proposed and developed for several years. The widespread use of these techniques has suffered due to the associated computational complexity. This paper presents a new approach for the computation of spectral coefficients with polynomial complexity. Usually, the computation of the spectral coefficients involves the evaluation of inner products of vectors of exponential length. In the new approach, it is not necessary to compute inner products, rather, each spectral coefficient is expressed in terms of a measure of correlation between two Boolean functions. This formulation coupled with compact BDD representations of the functions reduces the overall complexity. Further, some computer aided design applications are presented that can make use of the new spectrum evaluation approach. In particular, the basis for a synthesis method that allows spectral coefficients to be computed in an iterative manner is outlined. The proposed synthesis approach has the advantage that it can accommodate a wide variety of constituent gates, including XOR gates, and complex subfunctions for realizing the circuits.<>
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems ( Volume: 14, Issue: 11, November 1995)
DOI: 10.1109/43.469660
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Helena Astola, Stanislav Stankovic, Jaakko T. Astola, Computer Aided Systems Theory ? EUROCAST 2011, vol.6928, pp.319, 2012.
J. E. Rice, J. C. Muzio, N. Anderson, "New Considerations for Spectral Classification of Boolean Switching Functions", VLSI Design, vol.2011, pp.1, 2011.
B.J. Falkowski, T. Sasao, "Unified algorithm to generate Walsh functions in four different orderings and its programmable hardware implementations", IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, vol.152, no.6, pp.819-826, 2005.
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B.J. Falkowski, "Compact representations of logic functions for lossless compression of grey-scale images", IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, vol.151, no.3, pp.221-230, 2004.
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B.J. Falkowski, S. Kannurao, "Algorithm for identifying skew symmetries through Walsh transform", Electronics Letters, vol.36, no.5, pp.401-402, 2000.
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B.J. Falkowski, "Family of generalised multi-polarity complex Hadamard transforms", IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, vol.145, no.6, pp.371-378, 1998.