1. Introduction
INTRODUCTION IN the recent decade, increasing attention has been given to the tracking control of robot manipulators. Tracking control is needed to make each joint track a desired trajectory. Robots have to face many uncertainties in their dynamics, in particular structured uncertainty, such as payload parameter, and unstructured one, such as friction and disturbance. It is difficult to obtain the desired control performance when the control algorithm is only based on the robot dynamic model. To overcome these difficulties, in this paper we propose the adaptive control schemes which utilize a neural network as a compensator for any uncertainty. To reduce the error between the real uncertainty function and the compensator, we design simple and robust adaptive laws based on Lyapunov stability theory. In the proposed control schemes, the NN compensator has to see many neural because uncertainties depend on all state variables. To overcome this problem, therefore, we introduce the control schemes in which the number of neural of the NN compensator can be reduced by using the properties of robot dynamics and uncertainties. By computer simulations, it is verified that the NN is capable to compensate the uncertainties of robot manipulator.