I. Introduction
The accurate analysis of periodic structures is of considerable importance to the design of phased-array antennas, frequency selective surfaces (FSSs), and engineered materials. Among the various numerical methods, the finite element method is well suited to perform such analyses due to its versatility in geometry and material modeling. Much work has been carried out during the past two decades on the development of the finite element method for modeling three-dimensional, doubly periodic phased arrays for a variety of configurations [1]–[9]. In particular, Jin and Volakis [1] developed the three-dimensional frequency-domain based finite element analysis for infinitely periodic arrays of cavity-backed antennas. McGrath and Pyati [2] and Lucas and Fontana [3] developed a similar method for more general periodic arrays consisting of more complicated antennas, and Eibert et al. [5] applied a special technique to accelerate the evaluation of the periodic Green's function employed in the boundary integral equation for the truncation of the finite element computational domain.