I. Introduction
Mobility-Enhancement techniques are needed to sustain continued improvement in CMOS performance. Silicon–carbon (Si:C) source/drain (S/D) stressors have been demonstrated to induce tensile strain in n-channel MOSFETs (n-FETs) for electron-mobility and drive-current ( or ) enhancement [1]–[9]. While it is straightforward to integrate embedded Si:C S/D in bulk [2], [3] and silicon-on-insulator [4], [8] transistors using an S/D recess etch and selective epitaxy process, integration of S/D stressors is generally more challenging in ultrathin-body [5] or multiple-gate [6], [7] device architectures due to lack of physical margin for S/D recess etch. An attractive and simple approach to form Si:C S/D using implantation of carbon ions and solid phase epitaxy (SPE) was recently demonstrated [9], which also has potential for adoption in advanced device architectures. As compared to implant, implantation of cluster-carbon or cluster-C or ClusterCarbon can achieve higher throughput. There are however no reports on use of molecular- or cluster-C implant for forming Si:C S/D in devices, although Si:C has been successfully formed with cluster-C implant and anneal [10], [11]. Laser anneal on cluster-carbon-implanted S/D has also not been explored.