I. Introduction
Polarization mode dispersion (PMD) complicates the assessment of network performance because of its time-varying nature. Estimates of PMD-induced outages are often quantified in minutes per year [1]. However, this metric does not provide insight into the frequency or duration of outage events. For example, if one claims an impairment of 53 min a year, does this occur as one yearly event, or a distribution of shorter events? This issue impacts both static point-to-point links, which can accommodate PMD outages with dedicated protection switching, and networks for which the total PMD from transmitter to receiver will depend on routing that normally changes with time. Accommodating the provision of various paths in a network may, therefore, ultimately require adaptive compensation for PMD. However, accurate knowledge of the PMD impairments and dynamics for the possible paths are required in order to prescribe the optimum mitigation technique.