I. Introduction
NEARLY, 80 % of faults in EHV transmission lines are intrinsically transient [1]. The most prevalent potential of transient faults is lightning, transmission lines switching and jiff contact by external objects. This transient faults can be cleared by temporary opening the faulted phase. So, these faults are allowed to be self-cleared. For this type of faults, transmission system can be energized by Single Phase Auto-Reclosing (SPAR). This strategy improves reliability and stability of power system [2]. These types of faults include permanent faults which are not clearable by auto-reclosing. Wire's scrapping which cause that permanent fault is happened, can incur system and utilizes. The conventional auto-reclosing is not recommended especially in transmission lines located near generators [3]–[5]. Therefore, locking of auto-reclosing equipment is attended in last decade.