I. Introduction
Linear phase finite impulse response (FIR) filters are widely employed in wireless and mobile communication systems because of the advantages such as guaranteed stability, linear phase and low coefficient sensitivity. But the main disadvantage of FIR filters is its high implementation complexity due to the requirement of higher order compared to its counterpart - infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. Several methods have been proposed in the literature for reducing the complexity of FIR filters. In [1], a frequency response masking (FRM) technique was employed for the synthesis of sharp transition-band FIR filters. The key idea of FRM technique is that, a sharp transition-band filter can be obtained by combining several wide transition-band FIR sub-filters. The resulting FRM filter structure has lower filter order and consequently low complexity. Several approaches have been proposed in literature which improved the frequency response characteristics and reduced the complexity of the FRM technique [2], [3]. But the main disadvantage of the FRM technique is that there is no control over the passband width which makes the design of the resulting filter tedious.