I. Introduction
Transformers deliver power energy to loads with different voltage levels. The original loads gradually had replaced with nonlinear loads that inject harmonic currents[1]. Under such conditions we call for transformers derating or replaced with more tolerance to harmonic thermal effect. Recommendations for the matching of a given load with the right transformer, or for computation of the needed derating at a given load, are provided in [2]–[6]. The operating capability of transformers to supply non-sinusoidal load currents is determining by the use of a harmonic loss factor, or . factor. is defined as follows: \eqalignno{F_{HL}=&\sum_{h=1}^{N}(I_{h}^{2}h^{2})/I^{2}=\sum_{h=1}^{N}(({I_h\over I_{1}})^{2}h^{2})/\sum_{h=1}^{N}({I_h\over I_{1}})^{2} &\hbox{(1)}\cr &\ \ {\bf Or}\quad =\sum_{h=1}^{N}(({I_h\over I})^{2}h^{2})/\sum_{h=1}^{N}({I_h\over I})^{2}}