Since L.A. Zadeh first introduced Fuzzy logic in 1965, it has emerged as a powerful technique for the industrial control process, diagnosis and other rule-based systems. Fuzzy systems can be considered as knowledge-based systems, incorporating human knowledge into their Knowledge Base through Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Membership Functions. The definition of these Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Membership functions is generally affected by subjective decision, which greatly influences the system performance. Therefore, many optimization methods have been proposed to decide the related parameters of Fuzzy Membership functions or Fuzzy Rules[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been applied to learn both the antecedent and consequent part of fuzzy rules and models with both fixed and varying number of rules [1] [2]. All possible rules, position and type of membership function are learned by means of GA [3] [4]. The parameters of fuzzy system are obtained using knowledge bounded least squares method [5].