I. Introduction
Pulsed-power hydrodynamics (PPH) is an application of pulsed-power technology that has emerged recently from the steadily advancing worldwide capability in high-performance drivers. Important advancements in the technology include not only increasing power and energy but also improved reliability, reproducibility, and economy. The evolution of PPH has been shaped by need for high-precision experimental data to validate sophisticated numerical models used in modern computer simulations and to motivate and guide improvements in the physics in those models. Improved models are important for improving confidence in the results of the computer simulations that are, increasingly, replacing field testing in many disciplines. The development of the discipline of PPH has been aided by the availability of a variety of working platforms, including both laboratory and field test systems developed over the last 50 years. The discipline of PPH has, in less than a decade, made numerous contributions in the fields of material properties and advanced hydrodynamics.