This work has been partly supported by National Spanish Projects PCT- 350100-2004-1, TEC2004-06915-C03-02/TCM TIC2003-09061-C03-01 and European IST-2002 507039
Sensor networks and ad-hoc networks are receiving more and more attention from the research community. There are several challenges from many points of view coming up from Information Theory limits, device efficiency (power saving) and network issues (routing). In particular, cooperative diversity is a novel technique where several nodes work together to form a virtual antenna array [1], [2]. This point is quite important because connects more mature experience in MIMO communications in the real antenna array with this field. Vector Gaussian, Broadcast, Multiple Access and Interference Channels (GC, BC, MAC, IC) are the standard models assumed for different degrees of cooperation in real MIMO links [3] that can provide asymptotic performances in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) if cooperation is not penalized. However, although these results are very valuable it is also important to review critically these conclusions considering more realistic models.